Create API keys ############### :: Create API keys Any application needing access to the REST API needs an API key, this also includes StoredSafe own WebUI and key #0 is reserved for the WebUI. Without a registered API key, access via the REST API will not be possible. API keys needs to be exactly 10 characters in length, and only consist of upper or lower case characters (A-Z, a-z), hyphen (-) or digits. 2 API keys exists in the system. #) API Key Comment 0) FDSgh6745a REST Access from Console [WebUI] 1) ilsU6DMn8U My application API key #2 (. to generate a new random key, Q to end input) : . API key #2 (. to generate a new random key, Q to end input) : What application is using API key #2? : My second application API key #3 (. to generate a new random key, Q to end input) : q Save the new API keys? (/n): Delete API keys ############### :: Delete API keys Any application needing access to the REST API needs an API key, this also includes StoredSafe own WebUI and key #0 is reserved for the WebUI. Without a registered API key, access via the REST API will not be possible. 3 API keys exists in the system. #) API Key Comment 0) FDSgh6745a REST Access from Console [WebUI] 1) ilsU6DMn8U My application 2) GcpMdSc4F3 My second application Delete which API key? (Q to end input) <2>: API key #2 (GcpMdSc4F3) flagged for deletion. Delete which API key? (Q to end input) <1>: API key #1 (ilsU6DMn8U) flagged for deletion. Delete which API key? (Q to end input) <9>: q List of API keys to delete. #) API Key Comment 1) ilsU6DMn8U My application 2) GcpMdSc4F3 My second application Delete these API keys? (/n):