Vault Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vault Information will list detailed information about a selected vault. :: All StoredSafe Vaults 1) Vault: "DMZ" (VID: 612a048c55b0a9b2521d6), Desc: "All servers and network equipment in our DMZ" 2) Vault: "Intranet" (VID: 62a6799350e0ede5255c4), Desc: "All servers and network equipment for our Intranet" Select either by using Index Number or by the unique Vault-ID. Default is . Index # or Vault-ID of Vault? (Q to quit, L to List, . to end input) <62a6799350e0ede5255c4>: 1 [Using Vault-ID: "612a048c55b0a9b2521d6"] Vault: DMZ Vault-ID: 612a048c55b0a9b2521d6 Status: 128 (Active) Password Policy: 7 Description: All servers and network equipment in our DMZ Members: User: "keiran" (User-ID: 627e25362b101a539ba05), Permission: "Write" User: "vergil" (User-ID: 61fae4d83fb1aff2366a9), Permission: "Admin" User: "jamey" (User-ID: 62ac3b20395f29df3eb80), Permission: "Read" Select either by using Index Number or by the unique Vault-ID. Default is . Index # or Vault-ID of Vault? (Q to quit, L to List, . to end input) <62a6799350e0ede5255c4>: