Radius Clients
In this menu you can add/delete and list Radius clients.
│ Radius Clients on xx (Version 2.x.x build xxxx) │
│1│List Radius Clients │
│2│Add Radius Clients │
│3│Delete Radius Clients │
Move the cursor or enter a it's corresponding number (Q to Quit)
Main> Modules> Radius> Settings> RadClients>
List Clients
Basically just list all clients.
Add Client
You need: #. The IP address of the client #. Shortname/nickname of the client #. Radius secret #. Description #. Desired backend, AD/LDAP = 0, Radius = 1 #. Desired authentication mode, Challenge response = 0, Secondary authentication = 1, Concatenated authentication = 2
Keep in mind that the selected backend needs to be configured in the Backend Mode
If this is a HA setup then make sure both nodes are configured and reachable before adding clients or the client will only be added on the local node.
Delete client
Supply the IP of the client you desire to delete.
If this is a HA setup then make sure both nodes are configured and reachable before adding clients or the client will only be deleted on the local node.