Enable or Disable System install script

│                               System Install                               │

│1│Activate the system install script                                        │
│2│Deactivate the system install script                                      │

Move the cursor or enter a it's corresponding number (Q to Quit)

Main> Provisioning> System Install>

Activate the system install script

Activate the system install script

The system install script is used at installation time to configure
the first user in StoredSafe.

It will be located at

Activate the system install script? (<Y>/n): y

Point your browser at to start the installation

Press any key to continue

Deactivate the system install script

Deactivate the system install script

The system install script is used at installation time to configure
the first user in StoredSafe.

It is located at /install.php,
and should be removed after the initial installation.

Remove the system install script? (<Y>/n): y
System installation script removed

Press any key to continue