Search the Audit Log

At the prompt, enter a search-string to search for in the audit log. Enter a single % to display all entries.

You can search for User-ID, User-ID2, Object-ID, Vault-ID, Event or IP-addresses.
(Search will be done in all those fields simultaneous)

Use % as wildcard, e.g. "%POLICY%" or "%USERS%DEACTIVATED%" or
search for the specific Object-ID "12623".

NB: All results will be raw, User-IDs etc are numerical, since this function is just meant
to aid in troubleshooting and hence lacks the bells and whistles the Audit function in the WebUI.

Search Audit Log for (Use % as wildcard, User/Object/Vault-ID, Q to Quit) <%>: %USERS%DEACTIVATED%
stamp               usr     obj     vlt     usr2    event                                                            ip
2021-01-06 01:24:01 0       0       0       0       SYSTEM - USERS TOTAL: 147 (ACTIVE: 123, DEACTIVATED USERS: 24)
2021-01-05 01:24:01 0       0       0       0       SYSTEM - USERS TOTAL: 147 (ACTIVE: 123, DEACTIVATED USERS: 24)
2021-01-04 01:24:01 0       0       0       0       SYSTEM - USERS TOTAL: 147 (ACTIVE: 123, DEACTIVATED USERS: 24)
2021-01-03 01:24:01 0       0       0       0       SYSTEM - USERS TOTAL: 147 (ACTIVE: 123, DEACTIVATED USERS: 24)
2021-01-02 01:24:01 0       0       0       0       SYSTEM - USERS TOTAL: 147 (ACTIVE: 123, DEACTIVATED USERS: 24)
2021-01-01 01:24:01 0       0       0       0       SYSTEM - USERS TOTAL: 147 (ACTIVE: 123, DEACTIVATED USERS: 24)
2020-12-31 01:24:01 0       0       0       0       SYSTEM - USERS TOTAL: 147 (ACTIVE: 123, DEACTIVATED USERS: 24)
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