Backup schedules
Available schedules
0 - Backup disabled (NOT recommended)
1 - Backup every hour
2 - Backup every 6:th hour
3 - Backup every 12:th hour
4 - Backup every 24:th hour
Backup schedule? <0>: 1
Local backup retention
How many days should the local backup copies be saved before being removed?
Save local backups for number of days? <5>:
A PGP public key is required to encrypt all backups.
1) Backup User #1 <> (64bit PGP Keyid: 0xF6A2DDF50B030231)
2) Backup User #2 <> (64bit PGP Keyid: 0x90DB55393055099F)
PGP KeyID to use for backups? <>: 2
Using 64bit PGP KeyID "90DB55393055099F"
Destination host
To what host (FQDN or IP address) should backups be transferred to?
Host or IP? <>:
SSH listens on? <>: 443
Destination user
What user should be used to authenticate the transfers to
SSH user <>: backup
SSH Public key
A SSH key pair will be used to authenticate all transfers to
Locally available SSH keys:
SSH key <Backup-SSH-Key-2>: Backup-SSH-Key-1
Destination directory
To what directory on should the backups be transferred to?
Destination directory <>: node1/
Current Settings
Backup schedule: 1 (Every hour)
Retention days: 5 (Number of days to keep backup on-line, locally)
PGP KeyID: 90DB55393055099F (Encrypt all backups with this PGP KeyID)
Host: (Transfer backups to this remote host)
User: backup (Remote user to authenticate as on "")
Directory: node1/ (Transfer to this directory on "")
SSH port: 443 (SSH port on "")
SSH Public key: Backup-SSH-Key-1 (Local SSH key used to authenticate "backup@")
Is the configuration acceptable? (<Y>/n): y
Write configuration to disk? (<Y>/n): y
Press any key to continue