Enable a disabled Key Escrow User

A disabled Key Escrow user can be re-enabled at any time. after re-enabling, the Key Escrow User will function as before being disabled; however, any new vaults added when the Key Escrow was disabled and will not be recoverable by this Key Escrow user.

What Key Escrow User should be RE-ENABLED?

1) User: "escrow4@stored.safe" (UID: 165507759456004K3a8ML), Name: "StoredSafe Escrow #4"

Select either by using Index Number or by the unique User-ID. Default is <User-ID>.
Index # or User-ID of User? (Q to quit, L to list) <165507759456004K3a8ML>: 1
[Using index: "1"]

Login:               escrow4@stored.safe
User-ID (UID):       165507759456004K3a8ML
Fullname:            StoredSafe Escrow #4
Email:               escrow4@stored.safe
Yubikey clientid:    YxTjkGahWTXJ
PGP Fingerprint:     93AE4BD7588BC1DC959D7848AD4F2FA94F3DB99A
Capabilities:        512 (DISABLED Escrow user)

INFO: Key Escrow user, list all vaults? (Might be excessive) (y/<N>): n
RE-ENABLE the Key Escrow User "StoredSafe Escrow #4" (UID: 165507759456004K3a8ML) (<Y>/n): y
INFO: The Key Escrow User "StoredSafe Escrow #4" (UID: 165507759456004K3a8ML) has been ENABLED.

(Press any key to continue)