Smart-ID Settings

Disable or enable Smart-ID as an MFA on this instance.


Smart-ID as a MFA mechanism is not available in this release.

Status on Login Settings

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        ENABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

Disable Smart-ID as MFA? (y/<N>): y

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        DISABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

(Press any key to continue)

If Smart-ID already is disabled, another screen is shown and it’s possible to enable Smart-ID again.

Status on Login Settings

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        DISABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

Enable Smart-ID as MFA? (<Y>/n): y

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        ENABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

(Press any key to continue)