TOTP Settings

Disable or enable TOTP as an MFA on this instance.

Status on Login Settings

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        DISABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

Disable TOTP as MFA? (y/<N>): y

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        DISABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

(Press any key to continue)

If TOTP already is disabled, another screen is shown and it’s possible to enable TOTP again.

Status on Login Settings

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        DISABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

Enable TOTP as MFA? (<Y>/n): y

Login           ENABLED
YubiOTP         ENABLED
TOTP            ENABLED
X509 Smartcard  ENABLED
Smart-ID        DISABLED
BankID          DISABLED
DUO             DISABLED

(Press any key to continue)