Network card settings

│              Network Settings on node1 (Version 2.0.X build XXXX)          │

│1│View link status on all network cards                                     │
│2│Add network card settings                                                 │
│3│Remove network card settings                                              │
│4│Configure LACP (bond)                                                     │

Move the cursor or enter a it's corresponding number (Q to Quit)

Main> System Settings> Network> NIC>

Add network card settings

Add network card settings

eth0: Set speed to? (10/100/1000/auto or Q to quit) <1000>: auto
eth1: Set speed to? (10/100/1000/auto or Q to quit) <1000>: auto

Write the above configuration to disk? (<Y>/n): y
Activate the new network settings? (<Y>/n): y

Press any key to continue

Remove network card settings

Remove network card settings

Remove persistent network card settings? (<Y>/n): y

Press any key to continue

Configure LACP (bond)