SNMP Settings

The SNMP sections describes how the actual SNMP monitoring is done.

│                  SNMP on node1 (Version 2.x.x build xxxx)                   │

│1│Show status of the SNMP daemon                                             │
│2│Enable (and start) the SNMP service                                        │
│3│Disable (and stop) the SNMP service                                        │
│4│Start the SNMP daemon                                                      │
│5│Stop the SNMP daemon                                                       │
│6│Restart the SNMP daemon                                                    │
│7│SNMP settings                                                              │
│8│View or Change SNMPv3 USM information                                      │
│9│Add SNMP firewall rules                                                    │
│a│Remove all persistent SNMP firewall rules                                  │

Move the cursor or enter a it's corresponding number (Q to Quit)

Main> System Settings> SNMP>
  1. Show status of the SNMP daemon
  2. Enable (and start) the SNMP service
  3. Disable (and stop) the SNMP service
  4. Start the SNMP daemon
  5. Stop the SNMP daemon
  6. Restart the SNMP daemon
  7. SNMP settings
  8. View or Change SNMPv3 USM information
  9. Add SNMP firewall rules
  10. Remove all SNMP firewall rules

Show status of the SNMP daemon

 * snmpd is running

Press any key to continue

Enable (and start) the SNMP service

 * Starting network management services:

Press any key to continue

Disable (and stop) the SNMP service

 * Stopping network management services:

Press any key to continue

Start the SNMP daemon

 * Starting network management services:

Press any key to continue

Stop the SNMP daemon

 * Stopping network management services:

Press any key to continue

Restart the SNMP daemon

 * Restarting network management services:

Press any key to continue

SNMP settings

SNMP Location information

Location: FIXME
Contact: FIXME

Location? (Q to Quit) <FIXME>: Corp INC
Contact? (Q to Quit) <FIXME>: John Doe <>

Use and activate the above settings? (<Y>/n):

 * Stopping network management services:
 * Starting network management services:

Press any key to continue

View or Change SNMPv3 USM information

SNMPv3 USM information

User: storedsafe
SHA auth passphrase: FIXME
AES privacy passphrase: FIXME

User? (Q to Quit) <storedsafe>:
Auth algorithm (SHA or MD5)? (Q to Quit) <SHA>:
Auth passphrase? (. to generate or Q to Quit) <FIXME>: .
Auth passphrase? (. to generate or Q to Quit) <m7bN_dFpoXDAMylO>:
Privacy algorithm (AES or DES) (Q to Quit)? <AES>:
Privacy passphrase? (. to generate or Q to Quit) <FIXME>: .
Privacy passphrase? (. to generate or Q to Quit) <xD473fsAv7k25Nzy>:

Use and activate the above settings? (<Y>/n):

 * Stopping network management services:
 * Starting network management services:

Press any key to continue

Add SNMP firewall rules

Input of new networks or IP addresses is somewhat modeled after how BSD handles multiple input,
e.g. use a single dot (“.”) alone on a line to mark end of input.
No rules exists. SNMP access is denied.

Allow SNMP access (port 161/UDP) from up to 5 networks.
(Use IPv4 or IPv6 with CIDR notation, or 2001:db8:cafe::/48)

Network #0 (. to end input, Q to Quit) <none>:
Network #1 (. to end input, Q to Quit) <none>: 2001:db8:cafe::/48
Network #2 (. to end input, Q to Quit) <none>: .

Save the new configuration? (<Y>/n):
Activate the new configuration? (<Y>/n):

Rule added
Rule added (v6)

Old rules will not be removed until next reboot of the appliance,
unless they are manually removed thru "Remove active firewall rules"

Press any key to continue

Remove all SNMP firewall rules

SNMP access (port 161/UDP) is currently permitted from

Remove all SNMP firewall rules? (<Y>/n): y

Old rules will not be removed until next reboot of the appliance,
unless they are manually removed thru "Remove active firewall rules"

Press any key to continue